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Thursday, September 28, 2006

Bombards in the Civil War

The New York Bombard family had three sons, brothers of Frank Bombard, who fought in the Civil War.  They were Moses, Thomas, and Edward.  They all fought in the 2nd Regiment of the NY Veteran Cavalry, which saw service in the deep South.  Thomas and Edward both enlisted at Chesterfield in November of 1863, and Moses enlisted at Plattsburgh in February of 1864

Moses was injured, hospitalized, and sent home in March of '65, but Thomas and Edward fought to the end of the war, and were mustered out of their regiment in Talladega, Alabama in November of 1865.  Thomas had already married his Alabama gal, Annie Davis, by then.  I don't know what happened to Edward - there is a rumor that he stayed south, too, but I have not found any such records.

Thomas eventually moved to Louisiana.  The Louisiana Bombards have a story that Thomas had been captured (or arrested) during the war and kept in a local jail, and that Annie was the daughter of the jailkeeper.

Our New York Laramie family, on the other hand, elected to sit out the war in Quebec, as did many other families (including non-French American families).  Joseph apparently brought his family to Griffintown, the Irish ghetto in Montreal where industrial jobs were available.  During this time two daughters were born; Delia and Edwidge Mary.  Right after the war, Joseph and his family returned to the Ausable Valley.  His brother Francois-Xavier also brought his family to Montreal during the war.


Related websites:
2nd Regiment, NY Veteran Cavalry
Griffintown, Montreal

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